Your compassionate attention and care saved my life. There are not enough words for me to express my appreciation!”, says 12-year-old Khushi Pawar.
After ongoing complaints of fever, constant abdominal pain and difficulty in breathing, Khushi’s mother decided to admit her to Shrimad Rajchandra Hospital and Research Centre. Upon examination, the doctors noticed alarming facial puffiness, abdominal distention and oedema (swelling) on both legs.
She was then admitted to the paediatric ICU for further treatment. To improve her breathing, the doctors started her on high-flow oxygen therapy. Detailed investigations revealed significant right sided pleural effusion and that she was suffering from atypical nephrotic syndrome – a kidney disorder that causes the body to pass too much protein through urine.
Her condition deteriorated and she went into acute kidney failure – toxins and impurities were building in her system. The team undertook a procedure of paediatric haemodialysis to purify her blood and give time to the kidney to recuperate. This also marked the first-ever case of paediatric haemodialysis in the Dharampur area!
Khushi began to improve dramatically after these interventions, and after 21 days was successfully discharged with normal kidney function. Due to this timely diagnosis and availability of hemodialysis, Khushi will now be able to lead a normal, healthy life!