
First Place Award at the Technology Accelerator Challenge Programme, USA

A joint proposal submitted by USA’s Purdue University and Shrimad Rajchandra Hospital, won the first prize in the Technology Accelerator Challenge conducted by the National Institutes of Health, USA.This proposal documents the development and deployment of ground-breaking technology to detect anaemia and sickle cell disease by analysing the photos of inner eyelids which can be taken by a smartphone. This award acknowledges the potentially life-changing impact that this technology can have on anaemic people, especially in the rural areas of India.

Awarded By: Challenge Programme

First Referral Unit Certificate

Shrimad Rajchandra Hospital was privileged to be granted the ‘First Referral Unit’ (FRU) by the Government of Gujarat. This prestigious honour is granted to hospitals that are fully equipped to provide emergency obstetric care, new-born care, emergency care of sick children etc. with round-the-clock services of a gynaecologist and paediatrician.

Awarded By: Challenge Programme

Special Consultative Status with the United Nations

Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care was conferred the ‘Special Consultative Status’ by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN-ECOSOC) in 2020. With this honour, Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care joins a very exclusive list of carefully selected NGOs that are officially affiliated with the United Nations. Consultative status will enable Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care to play a role in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, as well as engage with decision-makers at the very highest international level.

Awarded By: Challenge Programme