An Eye Camp for the Rural Population

An Eye Camp for the Rural Population

Shrimad Rajchandra Hospital and Research Centre recently organised a free eye check-up camp which witnessed a good turnout, with over 150 patients benefiting from the initiative. The camp, aimed at promoting eye health, offered comprehensive examinations for patients from rural areas. The screening covered crucial aspects such as assessing the need for spectacles, detecting cataracts, glaucoma and identifying signs of hypertensive retinopathy and diabetic impairment of the retina. Individuals with diabetes or hypertension were urged to undergo the tests, given the potential damage to the retina associated with these conditions. The camp not only provided guidance and investigations but also offered free spectacles as well as medicines at highly discounted rates, enhancing accessibility to essential treatments.

Such specialised camps are a rarity in the tribal regions and Shrimad Rajchandra Hospital and Research Centre has been steadfast in organising them for the betterment of the local community.